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Leaderfoot Viaduct
View from SE
Leaderfoot Viaduct
View from SSW
Leaderfoot Viaduct
View from SW
Leaderfoot Viaduct
View from SW
Leaderfoot Viaduct and Road Bridge, Leaderfoot.  Oblique aerial photograph taken facing south-east.  This image has been produced from a print.
Leaderfoot Viaduct and Road Bridge, Leaderfoot.  Oblique aerial photograph taken facing east.  This image has been produced from a print.
Leaderfoot Viaduct and Road Bridge, Leaderfoot.  Oblique aerial photograph taken facing south-west.  This image has been produced from a print.
Newstead, oblique aerial view, taken from the W, showing the Newstead By-pass under construction, and Leaderfoot Viaduct in the top right-hand corner of the photograph.
Newstead, oblique aerial view, taken from the WNW, showing the Newstead By-pass under construction, and Leaderfoot Viaduct in the top right-hand corner of the photograph.
Leaderfoot Viaduct, NT53SE 76, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of Newstead Roman fort and Roman temporary camps with Melrose town and remains of the Eildon Hill North fort in the distance and the Leaderfoot railway viaduct and road bridge in the foreground, taken from the NE. The viaduct is no longer in use.
Oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the ESE.
Oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the E.
Oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the NW.
Oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the SE.
Oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the E.
General oblique aerial view centred on the Leaderfoot railway viaduct, Drygrange Bridge and new road bridge, taken from the NE.
View of Leaderfoot railway viaduct from SSE. 
The line is now closed.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the Roman fort and Roman temporary camps with the town, village and remains of the fort in the distance and the railway viaduct and road bridge in the foreground, taken from the NE.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the Roman fort, Roman temporary camps and fort annexes with the railway viaduct adjacent, taken from the N.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the Roman fort, Roman temporary camps and fort annexes with the railway viaduct adjacent, taken from the N.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the Roman fort and Roman temporary camp with the railway viaduct and road bridge adjacent, taken from the E.
General oblique aerial view centred on the remains of the fort, with the village, road bridge and railway viaduct adjacent, taken from the E.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the Roman fort, Roman temporary camps and fort annexes with the village, railway viaduct and road bridge adjacent, taken from the S.