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Plan of town showing siting of St Ola's church, Cathedral, Bishop's Palace, Earl's Palace, Tankerness House, Market Cross and Castle.
Engraving of Pluscarden Abbey. Titled 'ADC. Pluscardine. In the county of Moray, about six miles from Elgin, was a Priory, founded in the year 1230, for Monks of the order of Vallis-Caullium, by King Alexander II in honour of St. Andrew. The walls which inclosed this house are still remaining, and are nearly quadrangular. The Church is almost in the centre, built in form of a cross, having a square tower in the middle. The oratory and refectory join the south end of the church, under which was the dormitory. The Chapter-house has been of fine workmanship, of an octagonal form. The remains of the Prior's house, and of the cells, are contiguous to the Church; and the whole together merit the attention of the curious traveller. This Priory is the property of the Earl of Fife.' [Adam de Cardonnel, "Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland," 1788.]