Field Visit
Date 16 October 2012
Event ID 993844
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NG 3858 3638 A walkover survey was carried out, on 16 October 2012, in advance of the proposed construction of a wind turbine. A photographic record was taken of known sites and previously unknown sites were recorded. Previously reported structures included stone structures, a farmstead, multi-celled structures and a longhouse with enclosure. Other previously recorded features were not identified and may have degraded to such an extent that they are no longer visible.
The new features consisted of three dykes; one very clear following a relatively straight course, and two that were almost buried in the peat that has developed since their construction. There were no areas of contiguity, so the stratigraphic relationship between the two phases of dyke building could not be determined.
Archive: HAS. Report: Highland HER
Funder: Wind Harvest Ltd
Lynne McKeggie, Pete Higgins and John Wood, Highland Archaeology Services in association with Archaeology North Ltd
(Source: DES)