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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 841047

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NN95NW 149 94221 58465

NN 942 584 An evaluation was carried out in November 2004 in advance of housing development in the immediate vicinity of a late prehistoric defensive settlement or homestead (NN95NW 22), located on the site of the present Castlebeigh Hotel. Four trenches were excavated by machine, amounting to 4% (145m2) of the development area. A dump of cobbles was uncovered in one trench. The stones formed no structure, nor did they appear to have been carefully laid to form a platform or surface. No datable evidence was recovered from this feature. No other features of archaeological interest were identified.

Report lodged with Perth and Kinross SMR and the NMRS.

Sponsor: HF Holidays Ltd.

R White 2004.

People and Organisations
