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Architecture Notes
Event ID 803012
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
NMRS Reference.
Edinburgh, Leith, the Shore.
Information from Mr. J. Gifford.
Edinburgh Evening Courant.
"To be sold by public roup in Lawson's Coffee House in Leith, on Monday the 29th January 1770, betwixt the hours of three and four O'clock in the afternoon, "That plain Stone House on the Shore of Leith, Planned by the late Mr Robert Ramsey merchant, consisting of three storied and a large garret. The first flat consisting of a handsome Parlour and Compting-room and Closet, a bed Chamber with two Closets, a large Kitchen with two vents, a pantry, and Servant's Bed-Place. -The second flat consisting of a Dining room, Drawing Room, two large Bedroomswith there (sic) light Closets, a good lobby and a light closet for the Servants accessarie for table. - The third flat consisting of four good Bed-Rooms and four clostets. There is an elegant mahogony rail from top to bottomof the staircase. - The first and second flats have in each room handsome Marble Concaves and Hearths; the whole rooms elegantly finished and painted - .Under the house are two vaults with catacombs and vents in each; two shops to the fore-street with vents, and each has agood back room with vents. Behind the House, a good Back-court and little garden, a good pumpwell of water, a Back-Kitchen and Milk-house, with Cellars and Lofts, a Stable and two Hay-Lofts. Two Dwelling-Houses at the back-entry into Rottonrow, paying in whole only L. 70 sterling yearly".
Edinburgh Evening Courant.
"The articles and conditions of roup to be seen in the hands of George Home town-clerk of Leith; and any person inclining to make a private bargain before before the day of sale, may aaply to James Thomson merchant in Leith, the proprieter.
"N.B. The house has a flat roof or balcony covered with lead, as are all the tops of the windows of the third flat. - The whole being insured in the Edinburgh Friendly Insurance Office. - The House may be viewed every Tuesday and Saturday, betwixt twelve and one o'clock."
Edinburgh, The Shore.
National Library - 'Builder's Journal' August 23rd 1899.
Edinburgh, Leith Shore.
Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1815. July-December 12.8.1813
Pet. Robert Ferguson, Vintner.
Shore of Leith.
Elevation to Shore unsigned.
Sources: Dean of Guild. 14.10.1813
Pet. John Crawford and Directors opf the Old Shipping Company between Leith and London.
Corner of Queen Street and Shore.
Minor alterations to exterior - some indications of two floors.
Plan and elevation, unsigned.
Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1815. July-December. 13.7.1813
Pet. Robert Mathie, Baker in Alloa.
Shore, Leith, to the North of Bernard Street.
To make alterations - incl. building an oven.
Plans, unsigned.
Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1813. January- June 13.5.1813
Pet. William C. Mylne, New River Head, London, and David Cleghorn, WS, his Mandatory.
Shore of Leith, near foot of.
Convert a dwelling house into two shops - alterations to door and window. Elevation of lower floor and plan.
Leith, Shore, Britannia Inn - exact location of inn uncertain at time of upgrade, 7.2.2000
Sources: Dean of Guild. Bundle 1813. January-June 11.6.1813
Pet. Thomas Bradberry, Vintner in Leith.
Shore of Leith - foot of. Britannia Inn.
Raising walls and putting in guttering.
Elevation. Unsigned. 3 floor house.