Architecture Notes
Event ID 777257
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Architecture Notes
REFERENCE - Scottish Record Office
Description of a house in Queen Street.
It is included in a letter from J A Campbell, W.S. concerning houses to let. 'An excellent dining room and breakfasting room on 1st floor, a good drawing room, bedroom. On 2nd floor, four bedrooms above and four servants' rooms above them, and a nice looking house with coach house and stables and wash house...'
1825 GD 170/2350/51
REFERENCE - Scottish Record Office
Letter from Peter Lorimer to Directors of the Highland Society, North Frederick Street.
He sends plans (wanting) of the centre house being built by him in Queen Street and offers to execute and finish the same for 2,800.[pounds]
15 July
1823 NR A(S) Section 5
Shelf 6
Sources: Dean of Guild Bundle 1810 January-June 25.1.1810
Pet. Alexander Dundas, wright, Rose St
Queen St - rear of house of Lord Annandale
A washhouse and laundry
Plan and elevation - poor paper 2 floors
[PO Directory 1810. Alex Dundas, Wright. 29 Thistle St]
Sources: Dean of Guild Bundle 1812 2.7.1812
Pet. Thomas Smith, meal dealer.
Hanover and Queen Street. North East Corner entering from the plain stones.
Plans - Ground floor before & after.
Elevations to Queen St and Hanover St, before & after.
Signed J.B. Surveyor.