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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 662979
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NH78NE 73 797 895
NH 797 895 A watching brief was commissioned by Highland Council Archaeology Service on a site to the S of the former bishop's palace (now Bishops Hotel) on the S edge of the burgh of Dornoch. The watching brief, the first archaeological project to have been carried out in the town, involved monitoring topsoil stripping and groundworks associated with the development of a new business park and was carried out in late May. Cut into the buried sand dunes were the truncated remains of a substantial post-medieval ditch, possibly of a defensive enclosure, numerous ditches forming enclosures and at least one building, pits and several hearth-like features, together with a large quantity of slag and burnt clay (including a tuyere), all sealed below a deep deposit of medieval cultivation soil.
The watching brief on this site and searches by a local metal detectorist yielded a varied assemblage of medieval and post-medieval artefacts. Finds of medieval date include copper-alloy objects such as a small bell, a lobate stud or boss, a strap end and numerous other fittings. A bone pin beater fragment and several corroded iron artefacts were also recovered. Later material includes a number of buttons, an openwork brooch and several clay pipe fragments. Coins of James IV, James VI, Charles I and Charles II were also found.
Sponsor: Highland Council.
A Cox, R Coleman and C Millar 1997
NH 797 895 A watching brief was commissioned by Highland Council Archaeological Service on a site on the S edge of Dornoch on the S side of The Meadows, the former Bishop's Palace lies immediatly to the N. The brief was jointly carried out by Resurgam! and SUAT (the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust Ltd.). The work involved monitoring ground works associated with the development of a new business park and was carried out between the 19th and 27th of May 1997 following a specification prepared by the Highland Council Archaeological Service. The watching brief concentrated on monitiring the top soil stripping of the access road. This area measured around 70m in length and varied from around 10m to 30m being widest at the entrance from The Meadows. A range of features were recorded, these included large quantities of metal slag and burnt clay, mediaeval small finds such as buckles, horse fittings, coins, mediaeval and early mediaeval pottery, animal bone, shell and leather. This evidence begins to shed light on mediaeval Dornoch. The watching brief produced considerably more than was anticipated and only a brief summary was possible within the confines of a standard watching brief report. The report recommends further monitoring of the site and an appropriate program of archaeolgical evaluation during any further development. A funded programme of post-excavation analysis by suitable specialists is also recommended. The metalworking debris is highlighted as an area of importance.
Sponsor: Highland Council Archaeology Service
NMRS MS/727/11 (SUAT Ltd)