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Field Visit

Date 14 May 2009 - 18 May 2009

Event ID 617006

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Hoy and South Walls Landscape Interpretation

The remains of several previously unrecorded WW2 sites were found. These included a searchlight battery (HY 23275 00386) and a light anti-aircraft emplacement (HY 23076 00417) in the South Burn valley, a searchlight and light gun battery in Rackwick (ND 20202 99502 and ND 20137 99402), and a searchlight emplacement at the NE end of the Rackwick valley (HY 22149 08293). The latter two sites were located with the aid of local knowledge, but fell outside the main transects. The WW2 remains consisted of well preserved earthworks and formed part of the Scapa Flow defences.

Archive: ORCA

Funder: Orkney Islands Council, ORCA

D Lee 2009

People and Organisations
