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Watching Brief
Date 29 October 2021
Event ID 1146328
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
NT 54725 33961 The Ormiston Institute sits on the southern side of the market square at the centre of Melrose, with the current building constructed in 1882. The building is a Category B Listed Building (LB37798) and houses the current Trimontium Museum.
A watching brief was required to monitor all ground-breaking works associated with the Phase 1 redevelopment/extension works at the existing Trimontium Museum.
The ground-breaking works for Phase 1 consisted of the excavation of one ‘L’ shaped foundation trench (Trench 1). The watching brief, carried out on 29 October 2020, consisted of strict monitoring and recording of any archaeological features uncovered during the excavation of the foundation trench, which was excavated by mini digger (equipped with a smooth bladed ditching bucket) to the top of intact archaeological deposits, or the required depth for the foundations. The excavation has identified 20th-century ground raising deposits and services overlying a former cobbled surface. The cobbled surface likely formed a yard or exterior space associated with the redevelopment of the Ormiston Institute building in the late 19th century. No further, or significant, archaeological remains were identified during the works, and the cobbled surface was not excavated or removed. The trench was excavated to a depth suitable for the new foundations for the museum extension works in Phase 1. All the remains revealed indicate 19th-century redevelopment works and later 20th-century drainage works, all associated with the Ormiston Institute building.
Archive: NRHE
Funder: Trimontium Trust
Ian Hill – Heritage and Archaeological Research Practice (HARP)
(Source: DES Vol 22)