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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 9 June 2019
Event ID 1118883
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 09/06/2019
Compiled by: Kirkcudbright
Location Notes: Located on the N side of the stone wall running E-W, where the outcrop extends from under the wall in an area of improved pasture. Kirkdale Mains Farm is at the bearing of 204 degrees to the SW at 200m distance. The building in the wood next to the old Church bears 321 degrees to the NW, approximately 230m distance; Cairnholy 1 chambered cairn bears 79 degrees to the NE 450m away.
Panel Notes: A long, relatively narrow panel measuring 2.6m by 0.5m in size and up to 0.4m in height. The upper, relatively flat main surface has been carved with three, possibly four cups, in a row along the outcrop.
Note: Nearby on a 1.5m by 1m striated boulder at NX 51346 53832 is a possible cup mark; another stone adjoins this, measuring 1m x 2m which also has 1 possible cup mark.