Field Visit
Date 5 June 1994
Event ID 1105469
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
A group of six huts, five mounds and one small clearance cairn is situated within an area of lazy-bed cultivation (NG20NW 131.03) in a valley to the E of Earnagream. One hut and two mounds are strung along the line of a stretch of orthostatic wall, which runs roughly from N to S between two plots of cultivation and marks the western extent of the group. These two mounds, like the others, are almost certainly the remains of collapsed huts, and they incorporate several large earthfast boulders; from the northern mound one small sherd of pottery was recovered from the upcast of a rabbit burrow. The rest of the huts and mounds vary in size and shape, with most showing evidence of damage by rabbit burrowing.
The largest (NG 2427 0620) is situated on a low ridge about 80m E of the S end of the wall and measures 14.6m from NNE to SSW by 9m transversely and 1.2m in height; this may be the 'wheelhouse' mentioned by Lethbridge. It contains traces of at least four stone-built structures, only one of which is measurable, and this overlies the SE side of the mound.
(Canna 238-48, 956)
Visited by RCAHMS (IMS, ARG), 5 June 1994.