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Date 1984

Event ID 1005969

Category Recording

Type Excavation


A clearance excavation was carried out in 1984 prior to further masonry consolidation. The most significant discovery was that of a barrel-vaulted stone-lined chamber, 2m long by 1.7m wide by 1.7m deep, cut into the bedrock beneath the floor of the main cellar.

J Wordsworth 1991.

People and Organisations

Digital Images

Excavation photograph - general shot, barrel vault under excavation
Excavation photograph - general shot, barrel vault under excavationExcavation photograph - general shot, barrel vault under excavationExcavation photograph - general shot, barrel vaultExcavation photograph - Area C before excavationExcavation photograph - area C before excavationExcavation photograph - external of castleExcavation photograph - external of castleExcavation photograph - main towerExcavation photograph - courtyard "kitchen" areaExcavation photograph - looking E through courtyard wallExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detailExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detailExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detailExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- general shotExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detail E side possible wood void at baseExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detail E side possible wood void at baseExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detail E side possible wood void at baseExcavation photograph - barrel vault half-excavated- detail W sideExcavation photograph - blocked stairway at NW cornerExcavation photograph - blocked stairway at NW cornerExcavation photograph - 201 level Area C. Vault to level of mortarExcavation photograph - 201 level Area C. Vault to level of mortarExcavation photograph - 201 level Area C. Vault to level of mortarExcavation photograph - Barrel vault excavated N end. Work division showingExcavation photograph - Barrel vault excavated N end. Also showing stairwayExcavation photograph - Barrel vault excavated N end. Work division showingExcavation photograph - Area C to level of 201Excavation photograph - Main barrel vaultExcavation photograph - Main barrel vault: N endExcavation photograph - Practice flash. Area D,cellar before excavationExcavation photograph - Practice flash. Area D,cellar before excavationExcavation photograph - Practice flash. Area D,cellar before excavationExcavation photograph - Practice flash. Area D-N, end cellar before excavationExcavation photograph - Practice flash. Area D, N end cellar before excavationExcavation photograph - Rubble 108 fill of 107 sectionExcavation photograph - Rubble 108 fill of 107 sectionExcavation photograph - Rubble 108 fill of 107 sectionExcavation photograph - Rubble 108 fill of 107 sectionExcavation photograph - Rubble 108 fill of 107 sectionExcavation photograph - Small cellar 107 half-excavatedExcavation photograph - Small cellar 107 half-excavatedExcavation photograph - rubble 110 at SW of Area AExcavation photograph - rubble 110 at SW of Area AExcavation photograph - section through basal fill of small cellar 107Excavation photograph - section through basal fill of small cellar 107Excavation photograph - section through basal fill of small cellar 107Excavation photograph - section through basal fill of small cellar 107Excavation photograph - section through basal fill of small cellar 107Excavation photograph - area D cellar through window slitExcavation photograph - area D cellar through window slitExcavation photograph - area D cellar through window slitExcavation photograph - Area B feature 110 excavated. rubble showing under 102Excavation photograph - Area B feature 110 excavated, rubble showing under 102Excavation photograph - Section through Area C through 202Excavation photograph - Section through Area C through 202Excavation photograph - Section through Area C through 202Excavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Detail of blocking 105 in doorway to NW stairsExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaningExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaningExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaningExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaning showing doorwayExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaningExcavation photograph - Area D. Surface cleaningExcavation photograph - Area B. Layer 102 half-excavated showing 107Excavation photograph - Area B. Layer 102 half-excavated showing 107Excavation photograph - Area B. Layer 102 half-excavatedExcavation photograph - Area B. Layer 102 half-excavatedExcavation photograph - Site HutExcavation photograph - General shot- castleExcavation photograph - General shot- castleExcavation photograph - Area D cellar floor excavatedExcavation photograph - Area D. Cellar floor excavatedExcavation photograph - Area D. Cellar floor excavatedExcavation photograph - E Aumbry in cellar 107Excavation photograph - W Aumbry in cellar 107Excavation photograph - Stairway in NW corner unblockedExcavation photograph - W Aumbry in cellar 107Excavation photograph - Drain in main cellarExcavation photograph - W Aumbry in cellar 107Excavation photograph - Stairway in NW corner unblockedExcavation photograph - W Aumbry in cellar 107Excavation photograph - Cellar 107Excavation photograph - Cellar 107 in foreground of main cellar Area BExcavation photograph - Section in main cellarExcavation photograph - Section in main cellarExcavation photograph - Section in main cellarExcavation photograph - Section in main cellarExcavation photograph - Section in main cellarExcavation photograph - S wall main tower showing changed alignmentExcavation photograph - S wall main tower showing changed alignmentExcavation photograph - Surviving entrance levels to main cellarExcavation photograph - Surviving entrance levels to main cellarExcavation photograph - Surviving entrance levels to main cellarExcavation photograph - Surviving entrance levels to main cellarExcavation photograph - Surviving entrance levels to main cellar

First 100 images shown.
