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View of roof pitch from N. showing remains of thatch ; Ruisgarry, Baile.
DP 241350
Description View of roof pitch from N. showing remains of thatch ; Ruisgarry, Baile.
Date 21/9/2014
Collection Records of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, London, England
Catalogue Number DP 241350
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content Thought to be 18th century, the listed building description reads ‘corrugated iron roof (presumably thatched formerly); roofless additions beside door and on north west gable’. The part of the building that is currently thatched is that described as being roofless. Although some of the marram thatch remains, the building is vacant and in a severe state of deterioration. Much of the thatch is still intact on the north roof pitch, however, there are large holes in the thatch at the top leaving the interior and the roof structure exposed. The south pitch is missing much more of its thatch and is overgrown with vegetation. None of the ridge remains and the turf underlay is exposed in many places. The roof remains netted, held in place by stones that are secured to the netting by string along the wallhead and skews. The building is located next to a thatched byre under the same listing (survey number 248). The barn has been on the Buildings at Risk Register since 2009 (BAR reference number 3744).
File Format (JPG) JPEG bitmap
Attribution & Restricted Use Summary
Attribution: © Courtesy of HES (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Collection)
Licence Type: Limited
You may solely view this material on the Canmore Site. No other use is permitted.