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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-9738

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


Sample 9035 Context 9028 The presence of hearth 9015 (previously dated) within OGS 9016 is notable as the basal layer in a sequence that concludes with the construction of a dairy structure (9025/9026), which may be related to the structure excavated in trench 8. Layer 9028 post-dates the OGS (9016) and a subsequent OGS (9013) and is evident as a pre-structural layer prior to the construction of turf structure 9027. Structure 9027 is latterly superseded by a drystone and turf structure (9025/9026), which is likely to be broadly contemporaneous with the late-medieval shieling hut to it's south. Material from layer 9028 may therefore provide a terminus post quem date for this ancillary structrue. The concentration of quantities of charcoal within layer 9028 is highly suggestive of a burning event either within a hearth or structure within this layer. This is supported by the lack of carbonised material from the structures above this horizon (9025/26 and 9027) and from immediately beneath it (layers 9010 & 9011). The compositon of the sample, which includes Alder, Birch and Heather does not necessary suggest a frequntly used hearth deposit. It should however be seen as a discrete burning event that can assist in providing a terminus post quem date for the construction of the ancillary structure above it.

Canmore ID 24546

Map Number NN64SE

Site type Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval)

Site number 2

NGR 266271 742769

Council 340

County 24


Lab Analysis ID SUERC-9738

Lab Preparation Code GU-13901

Material Dated Charcoal (Alnus)

Researcher John A Atkinson

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 550 bp +/-35

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 1400 +/-35

Delta -26.6

Lab Certificate 

From information compiled by SUERC