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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-9700

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


Sample 8015 Context 8073 Within the structure and to the east of the firespot 8070 (previously dated) was a layer of firm, sticky, dark pink-brown sandy clay silt (8073), with frequent flecks and small pieces of charcoal. It ranged in thickness from 60mm to 20mm and represents the trampled floor deposit of the building. The deposit was sealed by post-abandonment deposits (8058 & 8061) interpreted as having built up after the roof was removed from the structure. These layers were sealed by layers of tumble and destruction deposits (8054 & 8055). Given it's stratigraphic position, it is likely to be the final phase of occupation of the shieling hut. The recovery of substantial quantities of charcoal from deposit 8073, seems to confirm it's use as an occupation horizon during the lifetime of the building. The variety of scrub species present in the sample, including hazel, alder, ash and heather is suggestive of foraging for firewood for the adjacent hearth. Dating of the birch charcoal from this deposit is preferable as it represents the largest single piece and may provide an abandonment date for occupation at the site or alternatively a date for occupation.

Canmore ID 24546

Map Number NN64SE

Site type Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval)

Site number 2

NGR 266271 742769

Council 340

County 24


Lab Analysis ID SUERC-9700

Lab Preparation Code GU-13875

Material Dated Charcoal (Betula)

Researcher John A Atkinson

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 440 bp +/-35

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 1510 +/-35

Delta -26.5

Lab Certificate 

From information compiled by SUERC