C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-9170
Sample 025 Context 466 Block 4 [466] was a shell rich midden in a black greasy matrix. It sealed a compact layer of intact and crushed oysters in a browny-black matrix [436] and was sealed by a thin deposit of black greasy loam [413] that contained oysters and mussels. The bone was found in a crushed state within the midden deposit. It is likely that little time pased betweendeath and the bone's incorporation into the midden
Canmore ID 274115
Map Number HU31SE
Site type Midden (Period Unassigned)
Site number 102
NGR 439200 1111000
Council 360
County 29
Lab Analysis ID SUERC-9170
Lab Preparation Code GU-13836
Material Dated Bone (Large ungulate rib)
Researcher Dr. N. D. Melton
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 4850 bp +/-35
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 2900 bc +/-35
Delta -21.9
Delta15N relative to air 4.7
C/N ratio (Molar) 3.3
From information compiled by SUERC