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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-8400

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


A human femur from burial 2100 This burial was found in a cist, sited beneath a re-facing of the wall of structure A, in the area of its entrance. It was covered with rubbly soil and lay over rubbly soil. The burial was deliberately deposited where it was found. The articulation of the bones indicates that they were placed in the grave soon after death.

Canmore ID 2838

Map Number HY44SW

Site type Broch (Iron Age)(Possible), Chambered Cairn (Neolithic)(Possible), Cist (Bronze Age), Hearth(S) (Bronze Age), Inhumation(S) (Bronze Age), Inhumation(S) (Iron Age), Post Hole(S) (Bronze Age), Roundhouse(S) (Bronze Age), Settlement (Prehistoric), Wheelhouse(S) (Iron Age)(Possible), Animal Remains (Prehistoric), Unidentified Pottery (Bronze Age) - (Iron Age), Whetstone (Prehistoric)

Site number 2

NGR 344140 1041810

Council 330

County 22


Lab Analysis ID SUERC-8400

Material Dated Bone, human (homo sapiens)

Sponsor HS

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 2065 bp +/-35

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 115 bc +/-35

Delta -19

Delta15N relative to air  12.5

C/N ratio (Molar)  3.1

Calibration program used No

Calibration curve used No

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore