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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-7922

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


A charred cereal grain (Sample 7) from a bright orange and grey / brown clayey silt deposit 022, thought, on excavation, to represent in situ burning in a sub-circular pit 015. It overlay a pale grey brown clayey silt 023, part of the ashy fill of the pit, and was overlain by a pale orangey brown slightly sandy clayey silt 014, containing some ash. These deposits contained some carbonised plant remains but lacked the other carbonised material, such as bone and cramp, that typified the cremation deposits across the site generally.

Canmore ID 2035

Map Number HY31NW

Site type Barrow(S) (Bronze Age), Cist (Early Bronze Age), Cremation (Early Bronze Age), Hearth (Neolithic), House (Neolithic), Bead(S) (Amber)(Early Bronze Age), Disc(S) (Gold)(Early Bronze Age)

Site number 42

NGR 334200 1017400

Council 330

County 22


Lab Analysis ID SUERC-7922

Material Dated charred grain (n.i.)

Sponsor HS

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 3465 bp +/-50

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 1515 bc +/-50

Delta -22.3

Calibration program used No

Calibration curve used No

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore