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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - SUERC-754

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


A cockleshell (4) from a shell midden WV10 comprised exclusively of cockleshells. PROBLEM: As of 2009, the calibration is uncertain because the marine effect varies (Ascough PhD) and it is not safe simply to correct the age by 405 C14 years. CHECK NEEDED to see if d13C value really positive or '-' simply not entered by me.

Canmore ID 274115

Map Number HU31SE

Site type Midden (Period Unassigned)

Site number 102

NGR 439200 1111000

Council 360

County 29


Lab Analysis ID SUERC-754

Material Dated Shell (cockle)

Researcher Melton, N D

Sponsor Historic Scotland

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 5220 bp +/-55

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 3270 bc +/-55

Delta 2.53

Completed by Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre

Calibration program used OxCal 3.10

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore