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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - OxA-9352

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


A single barley grain (sample 08) from context 53, a sandy silt fill between rough paving slabs marking the entrance into a building in an enclosure.

Canmore ID 123446

Map Number NH78NE

Site type No Class (Event) (Period Unassigned)

Site number 73

NGR 279700 889500

Council 270

County 31


Lab Analysis ID OxA-9352

Material Dated charred grain (hordeum spp)

Sponsor HS

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1129 bp +/-33

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 821 +/-33

Delta -23.564

Calibration program used No

Calibration curve used No

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore