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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - OxA-8993
A carbonised organic encrustation on a pot, Find 33 Pot 6, from pit L23 in a timber enclosure. See also OxA-8992 (4110+/-55 BP) and OxA-8994 (3880+/-55 BP) from similar encrustations on similar pots. A previous date from a single piece of birch charcoal from the same pit (AA-22906: 3750+/-50 BP) had been judged surprisingly late.
Canmore ID 71337
Map Number NO14SE
Site type Enclosure (Period Unknown)(Possible), Hollow Way(S) (Period Unknown), Ritual Enclosure (Neolithic), Timber Structure (Neolithic)
Site number 59
NGR 317340 740245
Council 340
County 24
Lab Analysis ID OxA-8993
Material Dated pot residue (Null)
Researcher Barclay
Sponsor Historic Scotland
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 3845 bp +/-75
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 1895 bc +/-75
Delta -26.585
Completed by Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, England
Calibration program used OxCal 3.10
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore