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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - OxA-4486
Human left distal femur (NMS HL 10002) from an ossuary from the upper shell bed in the cave. See also OxA-4485 (2170+/-55 BP)from black earth above, OxA-4487 (2460+/-55 BP) from lower shell layer below, and OxA-4488 (2295+/-60 BP) from the lower shell layer.
Canmore ID 23066
Map Number NM83SE
Site type Cave (Period Unassigned), Inhumation(S) (Period Unknown), Implement(S) (Bone)(Mesolithic), Unidentified Flint(S) (Flint)(Mesolithic)
Site number 9
NGR 185920 730430
Council 130
County 03
Lab Analysis ID OxA-4486
Material Dated bone, human (homo sapiens)
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 2365 bp +/-55
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 415 bc +/-55
Delta -21.3
Calibration program used No
Calibration curve used No
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore