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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - N-328
Oak charcoal (RS2) from the wall of the fort. See also N-327 (1560+/-110 BP) and N-329 (1340+/-105 BP)
Canmore ID 16146
Map Number NJ16NW
Site type Floor(S) (9th Century), Fort (Iron Age), Midden (9th Century), Post Hole(S) (Period Unassigned), Structure (Post Medieval), Bead (Roman), Coin (Roman)
Site number 1
NGR 310900 869140
Council 300
County 20
Lab Analysis ID N-328
Material Dated charcoal (quercus spp)
Researcher Small 1969, 64 Edwards and Ralston 1978, 206
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1560 bp +/-105
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 390 +/-105
Completed by Nishina Memorial, Japan
Calibration program used OxCal 3.10
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore