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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GrA-27039
Alkaline fraction of cattle skin from the scabbard of a dagger of Gerloff's Butterwick type found in a log coffin containing an inhumation. An anomalously late date (AA-29064 3385+/-45) led to two redatings (see also GrA-27037 3640+/-40 BP). The average of the latter two dates calibrated to 2020-1890 cal BC (Sheridan 2004, 176).
Canmore ID 13393
Map Number NH64NE
Site type Cemetery (Bronze Age), Cropmark(S) (Period Unknown), Enclosure (Period Unknown)(Possible), Pit Alignment (Prehistoric), Food Vessel (Bronze Age)
Site number 40
NGR 269460 845820
Council 270
County 14
Lab Analysis ID GrA-27039
Material Dated animal skin (bos)
Sponsor Groningen
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 3565 bp +/-40
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 1615 bc +/-40
Calibration program used No
Calibration curve used No
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore