C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GrA-26151
Cremated bone from a woman buried with a child in Cist 3 with a food vessel and a flint knife. See also a previous date for this burial GrA-24860 3335+/-40
Canmore ID 29980
Map Number NO20SE
Site type Cairn (Period Unassigned), Cup Marked Stone(S) (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age), Stone Circle (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age), Unidentified Pottery (Neolithic)
Site number 4
NGR 328500 703040
Council 250
County 13
Lab Analysis ID GrA-26151
Material Dated bone, human (homo sapiens)
Sponsor SAS
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 3320 bp +/-40
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 1370 bc +/-40
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore