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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GrA-24858

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


Cremated human bone (adult, possibly female) from lower of two layers in 'large cist', associated with 3 tiny calcined flint flakes. See redating GrA-26158 (4920+/-40) and GrA-28741 (4855+/-45). These three ages form a satisfactory group (agreement 108%) and if there are no technical reasons for not doing so can be combined to suggest a date range at 2 sigma of 3715 to 3640 cal BC.

Canmore ID 22935

Map Number NM82NE

Site type Burial Cairn (Bronze Age)

Site number 9

NGR 188091 726316

Council 130

County 03


Lab Analysis ID GrA-24858

Material Dated bone, human (homo sapiens)

Sponsor Groningen

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 4945 bp +/-40

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 2995 bc +/-40

Calibration program used No

Calibration curve used No

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore