C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GU-3418R
Birch (and two fragments of hazel) charcoal from a post hole (163/5196) of a wattle fence over or in the palisade trench perhaps revetting the bank of the monastic enclosure. This sample was originally aberrantly dated to GU-3418 2930+/-50 BP, withdrawn due to laboratory contamination.
Canmore ID 69504
Map Number NY17SE
Site type Corn Drying Kiln (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Enclosure (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Inscribed Stone (Roman), Kiln(S) (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Linear Feature(S) (Period Unknown), Monastery (Anglian)(Possible)
Site number 56
NGR 316800 572800
Council 170
County 10
Lab Analysis ID GU-3418R
Material Dated charcoal (mixed)
Sponsor HS
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1240 bp +/-60
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 710 +/-60
Calibration program used No
Calibration curve used No
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore