C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GU-2984
Charcoal from the secondary fill AOC 163/1002 of a ditch cut into fluvio-glacial gravel of lower Palaeozoic rocks. Fills are stony, sandy loam, contexts above and below 1002 contain very little charcoal. There is extensive worm burrowing but no larger burrows were seen.
Canmore ID 69504
Map Number NY17SE
Site type Corn Drying Kiln (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Enclosure (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Inscribed Stone (Roman), Kiln(S) (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Linear Feature(S) (Period Unknown), Monastery (Anglian)(Possible)
Site number 56
NGR 316800 572800
Council 170
County 10
Lab Analysis ID GU-2984
Material Dated charcoal (n.i.)
Sponsor HS
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1030 bp +/-50
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 920 +/-50
Delta -26.3
Calibration program used No
Calibration curve used No
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore