C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GU-2781
Charcoal from a sandy silty deposit mixed with medium rounded pebbles and a high proportion of charcoal (129/1047 Context 4029) on stone slabs forming the bottom of a bread oven sealed by the collapsed dome of the oven.
Canmore ID 65175
Map Number NX89NE
Site type Temporary Camp (Roman)
Site number 4
NGR 286889 597782
Council 170
County 10
Lab Analysis ID GU-2781
Material Dated charcoal (n.i.)
Sponsor HS
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1870 bp +/-50
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 80 +/-50
Delta -26
Calibration program used No
Calibration curve used No
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore