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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - GU-1464

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


Wood OB3 set into the top of an organic matrix of bracken, fern etc on the living floor of a crannog, probably in area where animals were kept. The pointed end was entirely within the matrix but the top was covered with a fine layer of silt.

Canmore ID 25024

Map Number NN74SW

Site type Crannog (Period Unassigned), Paddle (Period Unassigned)

Site number 16

NGR 272300 744290

Council 340

County 24


Lab Analysis ID GU-1464

Material Dated wood (Null)

Researcher Dixon 1981, 346-7

Sponsor Historic Scotland

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 2405 bp +/-60

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 455 bc +/-60

Delta -24.5

Completed by Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre

Calibration program used OxCal 3.10

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore