C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - CAR-244
Birch etc. charcoal from House 1 phase 1. See also a more likely true date estimate CAR-243 (4095 +/-70 BP), when taken with the construction date CAR- 246 (4155 +/- +/- 70 BP); but see also CAR-245 (4355 +/- 85), old wood?
Canmore ID 405
Map Number HU25SE
Site type Field System (Period Unassigned), Kerb Cairn (Prehistoric), Settlement (Period Unassigned)
Site number 26
NGR 425600 1151650
Council 360
County 29
Lab Analysis ID CAR-244
Material Dated charcoal (mixed)
Researcher Whittle et al 1986
Sponsor Cardiff University
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 4460 bp +/-70
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 2510 bc +/-70
Completed by University College Cardiff, Wales
Calibration program used OxCal 3.10
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore