C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - AA-46648
A charred barley grain (Sample B) from a deposit of burnt cereal grain (Context 19) overlying a bed of roughly laid flagstones which appears to be stone base of a hearth. sealed by rubble from the collapsed souterrain roof. The barley is interpreted as being charred during deliberate drying of newly harvested grain. The publication quotes the date as GU-9718. See also AA-46647 (1120+/-35) from the same context.
Canmore ID 183018
Map Number NO25SE
Site type Souterrain (Prehistoric)
Site number 55
NGR 327926 750460
Council 340
County 24
Parish ALYTH
Lab Analysis ID AA-46648
Material Dated Charred grain (hordeum spp)
Researcher Coleman, R and Hunter, F 2002
Sponsor Historic Scotland
Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 1105 bp +/-40
Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error ad 845 +/-40
Delta -23.1
Completed by National Science Foundation Radiocarbon Facility University of Arizona, USA
Calibration program used OxCal 3.10
From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore