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C14 Radiocarbon Dating - Sample - AA-46644

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Scottish Radiocarbon Database


A charred barley grain from a charcoal rich, primary deposit (Block 9 Context 5) overlying the paved floor of a souterrain and continuous throughout the main passage. The deposit was either trample contemporary with use of souterrain or material washed from in an adjacent settlement (of which nothing survives). It was sealed by plough soil washed into souterrain. The publication quotes the date as GU-9714.

Canmore ID 183018

Map Number NO25SE

Site type Souterrain (Prehistoric)

Site number 55

NGR 327926 750460

Council 340

County 24

Parish ALYTH

Lab Analysis ID AA-46644

Material Dated Charred grain (hordeum spp)

Researcher Coleman, R and Hunter, F 2002

Sponsor Historic Scotland

Uncalibrated date bp +/- error 2065 bp +/-50

Uncalibrated date ad/bc +/- error 115 bc +/-50

Delta -23.4

Completed by National Science Foundation Radiocarbon Facility University of Arizona, USA

Calibration program used OxCal 3.10

From information compiled by Patrick Ashmore