MS 3004/3
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Post-excavation archive: site matrix diagram.
Item Level
MS 3004/4
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Post-excavation archive: research papers.
Item Level
MS 3004/5
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Post-excavation archive: correspondence.
Item Level
Digital Files (Non-image)
WP 003837
Publications by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
Argyll: An inventory of the monuments: volume 7: Mid-Argyll and Cowal: Medieval and later monuments
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2420607
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Ardachuple, Colintraive, NS07NW 8, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
c. 1958
Item Level
MS 3004/1
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Publication archive: Colintraive platform excavation report July 1979 draft and final version for GAJ.
Batch Level
MS 3004/2
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Post-excavation archive: Palaeo-environmental laboratory report; radiocarbon dates; brief report for soil scientist.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 114/1
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Survey drawings: Earthwork survey plans for Platform 1 and 2; contour plan and layout of road with platforms.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 114/2
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation drawings: Platform 1 trench layout; NE and SE quadrants planned after inital cleaning; SE quadrant with silting removed; NE quadrant with silting removed; plans and sections of F4, F16 and F17; sections of F14, F24 and F25; plan of F24-26; plan of box sections F27-28 and sections of F29-30; box section in NW quadrant; NW quadrant W, S and N facing sections; plan and section of F9; F14 pre-excavation; sections of F11, F20, F21, F23, F19 and SW quadrant revetting; NE quadrant post-excavation plan; box 4 SW facing section; ; N face of main section running E-W; S face of main section; SW quadrant W facing section and NE quadrant E facing section; plan of NW and SW quadrants; working section drawings.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 114/3
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation drawings: Platform 2 trench layout; trench layout showing cobbling and new areas; plan of trench 2 after various stages of cleaning; trench 2 tumble; trench 4 paving and cobbling; section of trench 1.
Batch Level
Prints and Drawings
BD 114/4
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Publication drawings: Platform 1 plan; N facing section; Platform 2 plan.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/1 PO
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Pre-excavation photographs: general view of site.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/2
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: pre-excavation shot; general shots after cleaning back; NW quadrant; SW quadrant; SE quadrant; features in SE quadrant.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/3
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: pre-excavation of post-holes; sections of shallow depressions; F25 in section; main section E-W.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/4
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: stone revetment in layer 6; charcoal feature in section; F14 pre-excavation; NW quadrant box section; stone packed post-hole; NW quadrant box section 4; stones in NE quadrant; general pre-excavation view of post-holes; NW quadrant box section; pre-excavation of post-hole.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/5
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: general view of NE quadrant; post-hole in NE quadrant; general view of site; general view of SW quadrant; general view of NW quadrant; detail of NW quadrant; detail of SW quadrant; possible stakeholes; stone packed post-hole.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/6
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: W facing section of SW quadrant; N facing main section.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/7
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: pre-excavation of post-holes; shallow feature in section; box section; general view of NW quadrant; feature in NE quadrant; general view of NW quadrant; general post-excavation views of site.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/8
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: trench II tumble; general view of trench I; general view of trench I and IV; detail of paving and cobbling in trench IV; detail of stone hearth F5; detail of trench I cobbling.
Batch Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
BP 124/9
Historic Scotland Archive Project
Excavation photographs: detail of trench I; general views of site; hearth F5 in trench VI; cobbling in trench I; general views of site; detail of paving in trench VI.
Batch Level