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Belvedere: Sandside, Pentland Firth
Schooner (19th Century)
Site Name Belvedere: Sandside, Pentland Firth
Classification Schooner (19th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Belvidere; Sandside Bay; Sandside Head; Sandside Harbour; Thurso; North Sea
Canmore ID 264566
Site Number NC96NE 8008
NGR NC 95 66
NGR Description NC c. 95 66
Datum Datum not recorded
- Council Highland
- Parish Maritime - Highland
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Maritime
- Former County Not Applicable
NC96NE 8008 c. 95 66
N58 34 W3 48
NLO: Sandside Bay [name: ND 963 657]
Sandside Head [name: ND 954 664]
Thurso [name: ND 115 687]
Pentland Firth [name centred ND 35 81].
Possibly on map sheet NC96NW.
Thurso, 1st Apl., 11.35 a.m., the BELVEDERE (schr.), of Southampton, 63 tons, Barret, drove ashore at Sandside, having missed the harbour mouth in entering: crew saved: cargo (manure) discharging.
Source: Shipping Intelligence, LL, No. 18,704, London, Thursday April 2 1874.
Glasgow, 1st Apl., the BELVEDERE (schr.), of Southampton, Barnett, from London to Sandside and Invergordon, with manure, was driven ashore, last night, in attempting to take the former harbour, which is 12 miles West of Thurso: the vessel lies fast on the rocks, and the hull and cargo are much damaged.
Source: Shipping Intelligence, LL, No. 18,705, London, Saturday April 4 1874.
Thurso, 2nd Apl., 9.20 a.m., the BELVEDERE, Barrett, ashore at Sandside, is breaking up: cargo partly saved. [Report received incomplete].
NMRS, MS/829/70 (no. 4104).
(Classified as schooner, with cargo of manure: date of loss cited as 31 March 1874). Belvidere: this vessel was wrecked at Sandside, 12 miles West of Thurso. Capt. Barnet.
Registration: Southampton. 63nrt.
(Location of loss cited as N58 34.0 bW3 47.0).
I G Whittaker 1998.
The location assigned vto this record is essentially tentative. Sandside harbour (NC96NE 48.00) is at NC 958 660, and may be the 'former harbour' to which reference is made.
The spelling of the vessel's name that is cited by Whittaker remains unverified.
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 8 September 2004.
Reference (2011)
Whittaker ID : 13405
Latitude : 583400
Longitude : 34700
Registration : SOUTHAMPTON
Tonnage : 63
Tonnage Code : N
Loss Day : 31
Loss Month : 3
Loss Year : 1874
Comment : Wrecked at Sandside, 12 miles west of Thurso. Capt. Barnet
Cargo : MANURE