Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
EDD 553/3 P
Copies of drawings from Edinburgh, North Berwick, and Stirling Deans of Guild
Union Street, plan and elevation.
Photographic copy of plan and elevation of proposed building to front the East End of Forth Street, with scale.
On verso: '27 Novem 1806. Referred to in Mr Baxters Warrant of this Date. Wm Coulter D.G.'
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
ED 10920/2
Union Street, exterior.
View from North West.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
ED 4277
Union Street, general.
Deatil of paving stones set on edge.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
EDD 553/1 P
Copies of drawings from Edinburgh, North Berwick, and Stirling Deans of Guild
Union Street, elevation of proposed tenement.
Photographic copy of elevation of proposed buildings on Union Street, with scale.
Insc: 'I approve of the below Elevations for North Union Street, Rob Burn'
Signed and dated: 'J Spadin, 26th Novr 1804'
On verso: '20 Decemb. 1804 Referred to in warrant of this date John Muir D.G.'
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
EDD 553/2 P
Copies of drawings from Edinburgh, North Berwick, and Stirling Deans of Guild
Union Street, plan.
Photographic copy of plan of proposed buildings on Union Street, with scale.
Signed: 'Rob Burn', 'J Spadin 15th Decr 1804
On verso: '20 Decemb 1804. Referred to in warrant of this date John Muir D.G.'
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
B 25469
Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Union Street.
General Views.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
B 25470
Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Union Street.
General Views.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
ED 11261
Records of Edinburgh Architectural Association, Edinburgh, Scotland
Union Street.
Composite elevation.
Item Level