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Field Visit

Date 5 June 1991

Event ID 736745

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NG80NW 4 8258 0793.

Disposed over a series of E-facing slopes to the N of Allt na

Leth Bheinne (between 114m and 175m OD), to the rear of a prominent rock outcrop and close to an area of peat-diggings (25 below), there are the remains of at least three huts, together with over thirty stances, or platforms. It is possible that some of the platforms may also have provided a level footing for buildings, or further huts, but the evidence is equivocal. Tracing a course upslope from the lowest platform, the remains are as follows:-

1: At the foot of a rock outcrop, there is a platform (NG 8269 0789), measuring 4.4m from W to E by 1.6m transversely, with a low bank on its leading edge.

2: This well constructed platform (NG 8268 0788) has been terraced into the slope and the quarried material has been carried forward and deposited as an apron to the fore. It measures 2.6m from WSW to ENE by 2.4m transversely. The back scarp is 1.4m high and the front scarp, which is revetted with stone, 1.8m high.

3: Terraced into the slope at the foot of a rock outcrop, there are two contiguous stances (NG 8268 0789), measuring 3m by 2.6m and 2.9m by 2.6m respectively.

4: A platform (NG 8267 0788), measuring 3m from SW to NE by 2.5m transversely.

5: This platform (NG 8265 0787), measures 3.5m from SW to NE by 2.4m transversely.

6: This hut (NG 8264 0788), has been terraced into the slope and has a slightly hollowed interior. It measures 4m from N to S by 2.5m transversely overall; the entrance was probably on the S.

7: This platform (NG 8264 0789), measures 2m in length with an enclosure on its SE side (3.3m in internal diameter).

8. This platform (NG 8262 0789), which is roughly rectangular on plan, measures 4.6m from N to S by 2.6m transversely and has a back scarp 1m in height. Immediately to the W, there is a second platform (roughly 1.7m overall).

9: This well-constructed platform (NG 8263 0788), measures 3.5m from NNW to SSE by 2.8m transversely. The front of the platform's apron (up to 1.4m high) is revetted with stone.

10: A platform (NG 8262 0787), measuring roughly 3m square with a back scarp 0.3m in height.

11: A roughly circular setting of stone (NG 8261 0787), up to 2.8m in internal diameter.

12: A platform (NG 8261 0788), measuring 4m from SSW to NNE by 3m transversely overall.

13: A platform (NG 8260 0792), measuring 2.6m from NNW to SSE by 2.4m transversely overall.

14: A possible platform (NG 8259 0792), measuring 2.9m from N to S by 2.2m transversely.

15: A platform (NG 8259 0791), measuring 5m from NNW to SSE by 3m transversely.

16: A platform (NG 8258 0792), measuring 3.5m from N to S by 2.2m transversely, with a well defined apron to the front.

17: This platform (NG 8258 0793), is relatively well defined and measures 4.5m from NNW to SSE by 3.4m transversely. It has a slightly hollowed interior and a rickle of upcast extends along its outer edge. Contiguous with it, there are traces of another platform (up to 7m long) with a gap, possibly an entrance, on the SSE side. Together, these features may be the remains of a severely-wasted two-compartment building which has been terraced into the slope. Downslope, immediately to the NE, there are the remains of a hut measuring roughly 3m square, defined by a rickle of stone with an entrance possibly on the SSE.

18: The wasted remains of what may be a hut (NG 8257 0792), measuring 5.4m from NNW to SSE by 3.5m transversely.

19: A platform (NG 8256 0792), measuring 4m from SW to NE by 2.7m transversely.

20: A platform (NG 8255 0794), measuring 5m from N to S by 4m transversely.

21: This particularly well-defined platform (NG 8254 0790), has been terraced into the slope and has a pronounced front edge formed from upcast (0.8m thick). It measures 5.3m from N to S by 4.3m transversely and the back scarp is 1m high.

22: A platform (NG 8256 0796), measuring 3.5m from NNW to SSE by 2.6m transversely.

23: A platform (NG 8254 0796), measuring 3m from N to S by 2.5m transversely.

24: Upslope, to the W of (23), at a height of 160m OD, and defined by an edge extending from NG 8253 0795 to 8252 0796, there is an area of peat-diggings.

There is a group of seven platforms (nos. 25-31) measuring respectively:-

25: NG 8249 0791 3.8m from N to S by 3.2m transversely.

26: NG 8248 0790 7.2m from SSW to NNE by 3.2m transversely.

27: NG 8247 0790 3.1m square.

28: NG 8246 0791 4.5m from N to S by 3.5m transversely.

29: NG 8247 0796 2.6m from N to S by 2.2m transverely.

30: NG 8247 0795 2.3m from SW to NE by 1.9m transversely.

31: NG 8247 0794 3.8m from N to S by 3.2m transversely.

32: This platform (NG 8247 0799), which has been terraced into the slope, measures 6.9m from NNW to SSE by 3.5m transversely and has a back scarp 0.8m in height. A possible extension to the platform on the NNW measures up to 5.9m in length.

33: This platform (NG 8247 0798), measures 7.9m from NNW to SSE by 3.3m transversely.

Visited by RCAHMS (IMS) 5 June 1991.

RCAHMS 1991.

People and Organisations
