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Craigmillar Castle Geophysical Survey
Date 1 February 2018 - 23 April 2018
Event ID 1104945
Category Project
Type Project
NT 28807 70875 A programme of geophysical survey was undertaken, 1 – 13 February 2018 (Phase 1) and 1 March – 23 April 2018 (Phase 2) within and around Craigmillar Castle. The survey covers the PIC area of 2.6ha and c13.5ha within Craigmillar Castle Park to the N, W and S of the castle.
The gradiometer survey within the main castle area has not identified any significant anomalies, but an area of increased noise to the E of the castle, outwith the courtyard walls, may be of interest. This coincides with discrete resistance anomalies which could potentially be of archaeological interest, but this interpretation is cautious as the anomalies could simply be due to root bowls associated with the former orchard. Within the castle complex resistance and GPR surveys have identified anomalies suggesting possible former layouts / paths within the W and E gardens. Resistance anomalies suggesting possible elements of structural remains have been detected in the W of the outer courtyard, but interpretation is tentative given the responses from the shallow bedrock.
Few anomalies have been detected within the P-Pond field to the S of the castle. Both the gradiometer and the resistance data are dominated by responses from buried services, a former track and presumed rig and furrow cultivation. Additional linear anomalies suggesting possible drainage features have also been noted in the gradiometer data. The resistance data is dominated by responses from shallow bedrock, although some anomalies may indicate man made features.
Within Craigmillar Castle Park, to the N of the castle, the data appears to be showing an earlier network of paths and tracks. A very weak, broad curving anomaly has been detected in the N of the park, but resistance survey suggests it is probably natural in origin. Elsewhere within the park the gradiometer data is dominated by high levels of magnetic noise and agricultural trends.
Archive: Rose Geophysical Consultants
Funder: CFA Archaeology on behalf of HES
Susan Ovenden – Rose Geophysical Consultants
(Source: DES Vol 19)