Archive from archaeological assessment of site relating to development at Kilmardinny.
551 100/9/5
Description Archive from archaeological assessment of site relating to development at Kilmardinny.
Date 2005 to 2006
Collection Records from the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
Catalogue Number 551 100/9/5
Category All Other
Scope and Content This archive consists of: 1. Letter from Historic Scotland to Gayle Hume, Planning and Development Consultant, McInally Associates Ltd., 6 Newton place, Glasgow G3 7PS. 4 pages including map. 2. Report: "East Dunbartonshire Local Plan - Kilmardinny. Landscape Appraisal. Ann Nevett Landscape Architects, 6 Newton PLace, Glasgow." Prepad on behalf of Stewart Milne Holdings and Cala Homes. 20 pages (loose, unbound) 3. Paper on "Contaminated Land Assessment" 10 pages. 4. Paper on "ANLA input to GUARD work for Antonine Wall" 9 pages. 5. Paper on "Kilmardinny ES: nmethodology for the assessment of effects on the setting of cultural heritage features. GUARD reponse to ANLA comments 26/5/06. Stage 2 - determining the sensitivity of the feature" 6. Copies of emails (200 pages + ?), dated between 7 April 2006 and 20 July 2006. 7. Fax Transmission Verification 2 pages. 8. Letter from Gayle Hume, McInally Associates to Mr John Atkinson, GUARD dated 15 March 2006. 2 pages
External Reference 2234